LLC207: Python Programming

Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Its high-level built in data structures combined with dynamic typing and dynamic binding, make it very attractive for Rapid Application Development as well as for use as a scripting or glue language to connect existing components together. Python’s simple, easy to learn syntax emphasizes readability and therefore reduces the cost of program maintenance. Python supports modules and packages, which encourages program modularity and code reuse. We provide python programming training in Bangalore as classroom training as well as online instructor-lead training.

LLC030 level expertise or knowledge of command line usage of Linux OS is essential. No earlier programming skills required.

Target Audience
This course – python programming training for software developers, administrators, and users who want to acquire beginner to advanced Python programming skills.

Duration: 4 days full time

Training Fee: ₹ 20,000 plus GST

Course Outline

Module 1
Introduction to Python Programming
–  Introduction to Python Programming
–  Comparison with other programming language
–  Installing Python and pip
–  Scope of Python in Production
–  Working with IDE and interpreter
–  Features of Python
–  Python Versions
–  Creating your first python program
–  Python keywords and identifiers
–  Python Variables
–  Type of Conversion

Module 2
Data Types, Operators, Strings, Conditional statements & Loops
Python Data Types
–  Operators
—  Arithmetic operators
—  Relational operators
—  Conditional operators
—  Logical operators
—  Bitwise operators
–  Introduction to string
—  Basic string operation
—  String functions and methods
—  Deleting a string
—  String manipulation and concatenation
–  Conditional Statements
—  What are conditional statements?
—  Working with “if” condition
—  Working with “if-else” condition
—  Working with “if-elif” condition
—  Nested if condition
–  Loops
—  Introduction to Loops concept
—  Working with ‘while’ loop
—  Working with ‘for’ loop
—  Break statement and Continue statement
–  Practical examples for each topic

Module 3: Sequence of Data (Data Types)
Python Lists
—  Lists are mutable
—  Getting to Lists
—  List indices
—  Traversing a list
—  List operations, slices and methods
—  Map, filter and reduce
—  Deleting elements
–  Python Tuples
—  Creating Tuples
—  Advantages of Tuple over List
—  Comparing tuples
—  Deleting a Tuple
—  Slicing of Tuple
—  Built-in functions with Tuple
–  Sets
—  How to create a set?
—  Iteration Over Sets
—  Python Set Methods
—  Python Set Operations
—  Union of sets
–  Dictionaries
—  How to create a dictionary?
—  Python Dictionary Methods
—  Copying dictionary
—  Delete Keys from the dictionary
—  Dictionary len() Method
—  Python List cmp() Method
—  Programming examples for all type of data types

Module 4: Functions
–  What is a function?
–  How to define and call a function in Python?
–  Types of Functions
–  How Function Return Value?
–  Types of Arguments in Functions
–  Rules to define a function in Python
–  Nested Functions
–  Call By Value, Call by Reference
–  map(), filter(), reduce() functions
–  Anonymous Functions/Lambda functions

Module 5: Modules, Packages, Date & Time
Python Module
—  What is a Module?
—  Types of Modules
—  The import Statement
—  The from…import Statement
—  ..import * Statement
—  Creating User defined Modules
–  Python Packages
—  What is a Package?
—  Introduction to Packages?
—  Importing module from a package
—  Creating a Package
—  Popular Python Packages
–  Python Date and time
—  How to Use Date & DateTime Class
—  How to Format Time Output
—  Calendar in Python
—  The Time Module
—  Python Calendar Module
–  Practical examples

Module 6
File and Error Handling
Python File Handling
–  What is a data, Information File?
–  How to create a Text Fill and Append Data to a File and Read a File
–  Closing a file
–  Read, read line, read lines, write, write lines
–  Renaming and Deleting Files
–  Directories in Python
–  Python Error Handling
–  Python Errors
–  Common RunTime Errors in PYTHON
–  Chain of importance Of Exception
–  Exception Handling
–  Try & Except
–  Try, Except & else
–  Python Custom Exceptions
–  Ignore Errors
–  Practical Examples

Module 7
Classes and Objects
Introduction to OOPs Programming
–  Object Oriented Programming System
–  OOPS Principles
–  Define Classes
–  Creating Objects
–  Class variables and Instance Variables Constructors
–  Basic concept of Object and Classes
–  Access Modifiers
–  How to define Python classes
–  Python Namespace– 
–  What is Inheritance?
–  Types of Inheritance?
–  Polymorphism
–  Encapsulation
–  Abstraction

Module 8
Database Communication
What is Database?
–  Types of Databases?
–  What is DBMS, RDBMS?
–  Working with MariaDB
–  How to create a database?
–  How to upload data into table
–  Integration of database and output of other program
–  Creation of MariaDB users
–  Working with remote database storage
–  Altering the table using python

Module 9
Multi-Threading and GUI Tkinter
Python Multi-Threading
–  What is Multi-Threading?
–  Threading Module
–  Defining a Thread
–  Python GUI -Tkinter
–  Introduction
–  Components and Events
–  Adding Controls
–  Entry Widget, Text Widget, Radio Button, Check Button
–  List Boxes, Menus, ComboBox

Module 10
Introduction to Automation with Selenium
– Installation of Selenium
– Components, Applications and uses of Selenium
– Interaction with webpage
– Navigating links using “.get” method
– Locating single and multiple elements
– Examples – based on the topics covered