LLC033: Linux for Administrators & Programmers

This essentials of Linux for administrators and programmers is a course that teaches the basic concepts of Linux OS, command-line operations, file system, processes, networking, database and the components of the Linux operating system.

User-level experience with any computer system, including: use of mouse, use of menus and use of any graphical user interface

Target Audience
IT professionals who want to build user-level skills before learning Linux System and Network Administration

Duration: 4 days (Full-time)

Training Fee: Please call or email for best offer

Course Outline

Module:1 Linux Overview
– Introduction to Linux OS
– Various Linux Distributions
– Architecture and Features
– Basic Commands

Module 2: File Systems and Managing Files
– File systems hierarchy
– Managing files and directories
– File and Directory Operations
– Discussion of absolute and relative path

Module 3: Editors
– vim editor
– nano editor
– gedit editor

Module 4: User & Groups Administration
– Creating and managing users
– User settings
– Creating and managing groups
– Managing groups

Module 5: File Permissions
– Permissions
– Special permissions
– Access Control List

Module 6: Controlling Services & Scheduling Jobs
– Services and daemons
– Scheduling jobs
– Regular expressions
– find and locate files

Module 7: Process Management
– Introduction to Processes
– Types of processes
– Controlling processes using kill command
– Prioritizing a process using nice value

Module 8: Connecting to remote systems
– Secure Shell: ssh, scp and rsync

Module 9: File System Partitions
– Master Boot Record
– Creating & mounting partitions
– SWAP partition
– GPT partition
– BIOS and UEFI interface

Module 10: Logical Volume Management
– Creating Volume Groups
– Working with physical extents
– Creating logical volumes
– Extending the size of a logical volume

Module 11: Networking in Linux
– Configure ipv4 network
– ip addressing & hostname

Module 12: Databases – MariaDB
– Introduction to OpenSource Databases
– Install & configure MariaDB
– Creating a database, inserting & modifying a table
– Manager users
– Inserting & retrieving data from local and remote hosts

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